Released iMSB FrSky, iMSB HoTT

iMSB goes FrSky and Graupner HoTT. We are glad to announce that we released today 2 additional flavors of the iMSB iPhone and iPad application. 

iMSB FrSky operates with FrSky OpenTX enabled 2.4 GHz transmitter systems, such as the Taranis X9D and X9E.  It is compatible with FrSky S.Port enabled receivers (X-Series) and S.Port telemetry sensors from various vendors.

iMSB HoTT is targeted to the Graupner HoTT RC system. Transmitters and telemetry sensors compatible with the HoTT v.4 protocol are supported.

Both applications have essentially the same great features and capabilities as the original iMSB for Multiplex transmission systems. This is also the reason why we issued both new applications with the 3.1 release tag in order to maintain feature synchronicity between all app versions.

Real time operation, i.e. aquisition of telemetry data requires a usable data port on our transmitter and a dedicated Blutooth Smart module to transfer the telemetry data to an iPhone or iPad. According BT Smart modules for each application can be found in the hardware section of the iMSB web site. Note however that each app requires its own dedicated module. This is simply due to different firmware versions required to adapt to the various telemetry protocols. 

 Thomas Styger, iMSB   © 2012